Grégory Lassalle


Born in 1979 in Montpellier. Trained in journalism and international solidarity, he began his career as a director in Guatemala where he lived between 2003 and 2010. His first documentaries are linked to militant actions: KM207 au bord de la route (2004) and Le business de l'or au Guatemala (2007), Des dérives de l'art aux dérivés du pétrole (2011), L'aventure, trois africains sur la route de l'Europe (2014), and more recently Terres de schiste (2014).

At the same time, he writes articles for Le Monde Diplomatique: In Guatemala, the oligarchy makes the Mayan civilisation profitable in 2011, Arrest of the Guatemalan Viking in 2012, A bulwark against migrants in 2013, With the swallows, in the Argentine far west in 2015.

He is also the author of two books: L'Aventure, published by Non-Lieu, was released in 2014. Vaca Muerta, le nouvel eldorado de l'industrie pétrolière, his latest book, was published in 2016.



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